All classes start with a few moments of breath awareness or breathing exercises. In mixed level classes, we then move on to warm ups for joints and muscles which are designed to prepare our bodies for the class. We do standing poses and sequences first to get the whole body working together and to build strength and improve balance, and then move to the floor to work on flexibility and deeper stretches. Each class includes the 4 movements of the spine – side bend, rotation, extension of the front and the back of the spine  – and work for the hips and shoulders.


In the yoga for osteoporosis class we will be focussing on strength and support for the spine, with breathing exercises and meditations for inner strength.  The whole class can be done using a chair if you do not find it easy to get down on the floor. It  will be a small group, so plenty of individual attention if needed. The class will be run on the yoga therapy model, so you will book a course of about 6 classes with the aim of helping you to practice at home for a short time each day. You will receive a recording of the sequence to use.


The Yoga for Spinal Health class will be floor based with gentle movements of the spine in all directions and exercises to stabilise and support your back. Small group and book a half term block as for the Osteoporosis class.

At the end of the class there is a guided relaxation to allow the effects of the practice to be absorbed by the body and mind.




After class they say…..

“It’s like a sigh that wasn’t there before…”

“I feel like I have been oiled….”

“My body is purring…”


Class timetable

Monday 10 - 11am at  Synergy Health Kendal - Yoga for Osteoporosis

Tuesday 10 - 11.30 am at Leasgill at the Athenaeum - Mixed level class

Wednesday 10.30 - and 2 - 3.30pm at Kendal at Fellside Centre - Mixed level class

Wednesday 7 - 8.30 pm at Crosthwaite Hall - Mixed level class


 Please get in touch before coming to a class as some are full at the moment.


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Mountain Yoga
Imogen Field, 6 Sparrowmire Lane, Kendal LA9 5PX
Telephone 07966 815911

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